From Reactivity to Resolution: Shadow Work and the Enneagram’s Harmonic Groups in Everyday Conflicts
A former co-worker and I found ourselves stuck in a recurring conflict scenario we didn’t quite understand at the time….
The noise has been overwhelming. If you’re like me, you’re ready for a break from the robocalls, endless political texts,…
You may remember that the Holy Ideas were among the first four Enneagons taught by Óscar Ichazo, and of those,…
In the wild and whispering woods of ancient Greece, there was a mountain nymph named Echo. Echo was famous for…
This usually comes as a surprise to folks, but Omaha has an abundance of incredible dining spots. The city boasts…
Shadows and Light: Journeys Through the Psyche (A Soul-Searching Reading List for 2024)
Over the past several years, a well-worn stack of paperbacks has found a permanent home on my desk. These beloved…
EnneaPlants: Enneagram Typing My Plants (I know it doesn’t work like this…)
Does anyone ever plan on becoming a “plant enthusiast” before welcoming their first green roommates into their home? It turns…
The Loving Kindness meditation is an unconditional, inclusive meditation practice that aids in the development of radical compassion for yourself…
The Ignatian Examen, or the Daily Examen is a contemplative prayer led by memory. Rather than a prayer utilized to…
“And the day came that the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” — Anaïs Nin
I know it’s not quite spring *JUST* yet, but on my walk with Fern this morning things felt a little…