The Essentials of the Sacred Enneagram, An Online Certificate Training Course includes nearly 6 hours of fresh teachings based on the award-winning and bestselling book “The Sacred Enneagram,” over 40 supplemental PDF resources including dozens of out-of-print archived articles from the past 25 years of the Enneagram Monthly, an exclusive video conversation with Father Richard Rohr, and other ground-breaking articles including the 1996 “Gnosis Interview with Claudio Naranjo,” Sam Keen’s 1973 interview with Oscar Ichazo in Psychology Today, and much, much more.
In this video program participants will:
- grow in their understanding of what the Enneagram is and isn’t
- grasp the conflicted and contested history of this tradition
- learn to view each of the nine types with compassionate acceptance
- be invited into an honest relationship with their own type through contemplative practices and shadow work
- find new ways to put their understanding of the Enneagram into practical work.
Unlike other Enneagram training programs, The Essentials of the Sacred Enneagram invites participants to move from mere conceptual understanding of the Enneagram into experiential application of how the Enneagram can lead to personal and communal transformation.
Unique to The Essentials of the Sacred Enneagram the thoughtfully curated supplemental resource for each lesson incorporates valuable articles, websites, podcasts, and videos to ensure each participant has a deeper understanding of the nuance of what makes the Enneagram such a powerful tool for compassionate belonging.
Each lesion incorporates beautiful color slides and the course concludes with gentle guided practices for participants to integrate what they’ve learned.
For those who choose to complete the required readings, podcasts, supplemental videos, and schedule two integration sessions with their coach, spiritual director, or therapist an official Certificate of Completion will be sent, and for those who go above and beyond by completing the additional recommended supplemental resources a Completion with Distinction certificate will be sent.
Course Facilitator: Christopher L. Heuertz was first introduced to the Enneagram in the slums of Cambodia. Since then, he has trained under some of the great living Enneagram masters including Father Richard Rohr, Russ Hudson, Marion Gilbert, and Helen Palmer.
As an International Enneagram Association Accredited Professional, Chris works as an Enneagram one-on-one coach and consultant, teaches the Enneagram all around the world, hosts the Enneagram Mapmakers podcast, has given a TEDx talk covering the basics of the Enneagram, and has published seven books including two bestselling Enneagram books: the award-winning The Sacred Enneagram and The Enneagram of Belonging.
Today he lives in Omaha with his sweet puppy Fern, and you can join him on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in his intentions to love on the margins.